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Sancheong Wellness
Oriental medicine wellness experience
Oriental medicine tea experience
01. Oriental medicine tea experience (Prepare)
Aroma experience
02. Aroma experience
Aroma yoga experience
03. Aroma yoga experience
Zero waste / DIY experience
04. Zero waste / DIY experience
Thermal experience (illite experience)
05. Thermal experience (illite experience)
Gongjindan experience
06. Gongjindan experience
Big moxibustion experience
07. Big moxibustion experience
Oriental medicine foot bath experience
08. Oriental medicine foot bath experience
Sancheong Wellness
An experience program that received the first
international certification in Korea

Dongeuibogam Village Wellness Health Tour is a health travel experience tour that embodies the cultivation spirit of Donguibogam.
You can experience true healing by healing your body with oriental medicine and resting in clean Sancheong.