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Sancheong Wellness
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
San and Cheong's Promises
1 Purpose of processing personal information ① processes personal information for the following purposes, and does not use it for any purpose other than the following purposes. Confirmation of customer sign-up intention, identification/authentication of identity by providing services to customers, maintenance/management of membership, payment for supply of goods or services, supply/delivery of goods or services, utilization for marketing and advertising 2 Write down the processing and retention period of personal information ① processes and retains personal information within the period of retention and use of personal information agreed upon when collecting personal information from the information subject or within the period of retention and use of personal information in accordance with laws and regulations. ② The specific personal information processing and retention period is as follows. Customer subscription and management: Until the service use contract or membership termination, but, if the bond or debt relationship remains, until the settlement Record of contract/subscription withdrawal, payment, supply of goods, etc. in e-commerce: 5 years 3 Rights and obligations of data subjects and legal representatives and how to exercise them The information subject can exercise the following personal information protection rights at any time with respect to . 1. Request to view personal information 2. Request for correction in case of errors 3. Deletion request 4. Request for suspension of processing 4 Items of personal information to be processed Personal information processing tasks: homepage membership registration and management, civil affairs handling, goods or service provision, use for marketing and advertising Required items: login ID, password, service use record, access log, cookie, access IP information, payment record Optional items: email, gender, name 5 Destruction of personal information Destruction procedure The information entered by the user is transferred to a separate DB after the purpose is achieved (separate documents in the case of paper) and is stored for a certain period of time or immediately destroyed in accordance with internal policies and other related laws. At this time, the personal information transferred to the DB will not be used for any other purpose unless it is required by law. expiration date If the personal information of the user has elapsed, within 5 days from the end of the retention period, when the personal information becomes unnecessary, such as the achievement of the purpose of processing personal information, the abolition of the service, or the termination of the business The personal information will be destroyed within 5 days from the date when the processing of is deemed unnecessary. 6 Matters concerning the installation, operation and refusal of automatic personal information collection devices ① uses 'cookies' that store usage information and retrieve it from time to time to provide individually tailored services. ② Cookies are a small amount of information that the server (http) used to run the website sends to the user's computer browser, and is sometimes stored on the hard disk of the user's computer. go. Purpose of use of cookies: It is used to provide optimized information to users by identifying the types of visits and usage of each service and website visited by the user, popular search words, security access, etc. me. Installation/Operation and Rejection of Cookies: You can refuse to save cookies by setting options in the Tools>Internet Options>Personal Information menu at the top of the web browser. all. If you refuse to save cookies, you may experience difficulties in using customized services. 7 Personal Information Protection Officer Name: Sancheong-gun New Vitality Project Phone: 055-974-0027 Email: wellsancheong@gmail.com 8 Measures to ensure the safety of personal information Encryption of Personal Information The user's password is encrypted and stored and managed, so only the user can know it, and for important data, separate security functions such as encrypting files and transmission data or using a file lock function are used. 9 Changes in the Privacy Policy This Privacy Policy is applied from the enforcement date, and if there is an addition, deletion or correction of changes in accordance with laws and policies, it will be notified through notices 7 days prior to the implementation of the changes. Announcement date: July 01, 2023 Effective date: July 01, 2023